SHIM’s Bethel Park Garden is Back in Bloom - SHIM

Something is always happening at SHIM

SHIM’s Bethel Park Garden is Back in Bloom

Bethel container gardenWe’re so glad to have vegetables growing outside SHIM Center in Bethel Park again. After missing last year’s growing season due to renovations, garden coordinator Becky sprang into action to rebuild the garden, this time in raised, steel beds. We are incredibly grateful to Grow Pittsburgh for their generous support, as well as Evey Hardware.
Thank you to the tireless volunteers who helped haul dirt and plant seeds to revive this important garden!

SHIM’s Community Garden program has grown (pun intended!) over the last twelve years, from one garden outside SHIM Center to 13 gardens across the South Hills. Local congregations and organizations partner with SHIM to host gardens, recruiting volunteers to tend the plants and deliver the harvests to SHIM. In total, SHIM’s community gardens provide more than 15,000 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables to SHIM’s food pantries each year. This includes culturally curated produce specifically grown for our immigrant and refugee neighbors. Check out this video with garden coordinator Becky to hear more.

As we dig into this season, we need additional volunteer support. Specifically, we need volunteers on Tuesday afternoons from 1-3pm to organize harvested produce for pantry distributions. This task takes place inside our Bethel Park food pantry and is essential in providing fresh produce directly to food pantry participants. We’re also looking for additional volunteer gardeners to help tend to our plants.

If you’re looking for a volunteer opportunity where you can get your hands dirty, consider volunteering to help with our harvest! Contact volunteer engagement coordinator Ann if you’re interested at or 412-854-9120 x106.

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