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You’ll learn about the latest challenges that families are facing here in the South Hills and you’ll find hope in stories about our generous neighbors who step up to help.

Basic Needs Assistance

SHIM knows that a crisis can spiral into economic hardship quickly, so we provide a variety of resources to help neighbors meet basic needs. We host six food pantry distributions at three locations each month. Our Clothing Closet helps neighbors shop for free and our Back to School program supplies South Hills kids with backpacks and school supplies each year.

We take pride in our ability to address multiple crises to help neighbors find self-sufficiency. Instead of siloed programs, our holistic approach leads to long-term success.

pantry volunteer helping client
Lizzie with client

Financial Wellness

We provide utility assistance and emergency grants to neighbors facing utility shut offs and overwhelming bills. We’re grateful for support from Allegheny County Department of Human Services and the United Way, along with several generous individual donors, to help people in crisis regain financial stability.

The coronavirus pandemic highlighted the need for emergency grants as the number of people facing evictions and utility shutoffs skyrocketed. As neighbors fight high inflation, SHIM continues to provide this vital resource.

Youth Programs

We support kids from birth through graduation through an Early Childhood program for preschoolers, an After School program for 1st-5th graders, and a Youth Mentoring program for middle and high school students. We also offer an eight-week Summer Camp to 1st-8th graders to provide enriching activities when school is not in session. In addition, our Home Visits help new parents through individualized sessions for children under age five.

The goal of SHIM’s youth programs is to help every child succeed in school and in life. Our close relationships within the refugee and immigrant communities of the South Hills enhances our programs to meet the specific needs of children from foreign-born families.

Cropped ECP girl on slide
Double cropped Jinan

Family Support

SHIM’s South Hills Family Center offers an array of programs to meet the needs of South Hills residents. We empower families through Nurturing Parenting Classes and Support Groups such as Men’s Group, Dad’s Group, Women’s Group, and Family Group. We also host family engagement activities such as field trips and movie nights.

We partner with Jewish Family and Community Services to provide Immigrant Services and Connections for our refugee and immigrant neighbors. This program, in addition to bilingual walk-in support, helps our newest neighbors settle comfortably into the South Hills.

Community Building

We have the most amazing neighbors here in the South Hills! Our robust volunteer program helps power the important work we do. With over 250 neighbors stepping up to help across all programs, we feel the love that South Hills residents have for their community.

Our Community Garden program brings together local congregations and community groups in support of our three food pantries. Together, these 13 gardens grow over 15,000 pounds of fresh produce each season!

We also support seniors through a weekly call program, helping to connect isolated seniors to friendly volunteers.

Along with our amazing volunteers, we rely on generous neighbors like you! Through donation drives and service projects, neighbors of all ages provide valuable resources to our programs.