Meet Miranda- Helping Neighbors Give Meaningfully - SHIM

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Meet Miranda- Helping Neighbors Give Meaningfully

Donor Relations Officer Miranda GalesMiranda joined SHIM in June as a Donor Relations Officer, bringing her expertise to support the development team. Since 2018, she has worked in operations and administrative roles within the nonprofit sector, cultivating a deep passion for fostering community connections.

Growing up in Dormont, Miranda experienced firsthand the impact of hidden poverty in the South Hills, including within her own family. Her mother faced significant health challenges, undergoing chemotherapy and radiation while raising four children. These struggles often left her household reliant on a single income, which shaped Miranda’s financial awareness, added responsibilities to her life, and influenced her social experiences at an early age. Reflecting on her childhood, Miranda often wishes her family had known about resources like SHIM to seek support during difficult times, rather than relying solely on their resilience and pride to persevere.

Miranda deeply cherishes the memory of her mother and has gained a profound appreciation for the immense stress her mother faced in trying to provide for her children on a limited income. Today, she recognizes that same look of exhaustion in many of the clients who walk through SHIM’s doors. Seeing a sense of relief wash over someone’s face when they receive food, utility assistance, or even a simple pair of shoes fuels Miranda’s passion for making a meaningful difference. Through her fundraising efforts, she is committed to supporting SHIM’s programs and giving back to the communities she has always called home.

Learn more about how you can get involved on our Donate page.

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