Our story of Enise’s journey to Pittsburgh continues with her introduction to SHIM programs. (Read PART 1 and PART 2 first.)
The support Enise received at SHIM empowered her to achieve her own dreams. While Enise’s younger children were enrolled in SHIM’s Home Visiting program, their teacher Lori encouraged her to get her driver’s license. Enise says that Lori’s faith in her ability helped motivate her to learn. While her children were young, Enise worked part-time offering childcare during SHIM during Nurturing Parenting classes. Empowered to do more, Enise joined the After School program as a teacher. As her children got older and she had more time, Enise also became a teacher in SHIM’s Early Childhood Program.
“I am so proud of myself! I’m part of SHIM!”
Enise loves the family-focused feel of SHIM. Enise used to cook a Thanksgiving meal at SHIM for up to 200 people. She has beautiful memories of holidays at SHIM and is appreciative of the space provided for her and other families to celebrate holidays such as Eid.
“I’m so happy I met them. I’ll never forget them. Really, really, really they are helpful… they help everybody… I trust them.”
Here at SHIM, we know that every neighbor has the power to become self-sufficient and find fulfillment. Enise’s entire family has benefited from SHIM as they’ve worked to achieve their American dream. Enise’s husband is now a butcher in a halal meat factory, and they just bought a house after renting for 16 years. Her twenty-two-year-old son is enrolled at Community College of Allegheny County and teaches at SHIM’s After School program, and her daughter volunteers in SHIM’s food pantries. Enise’s youngest son is headed towards our Youth Mentoring program and loves participating in the enriching activities. Enise dreams of her children getting a good education and finding good jobs. Thanks to her experience with SHIM, she is there to support and inspire her kids to thrive now and into the future.
Learn more about our team of neighbors helping neighbors HERE.